HomePoultry FarmingCinnamon Queen Chicken: Proven High-Yield Egg Laying Breed

Cinnamon Queen Chicken: Proven High-Yield Egg Laying Breed

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Cinnamon Queen is on the top list of those raising friendly birds and regular layers. These birds can lay up to 300 large brown eggs each year, therefore, are recommended for first time as well as veterans in chicken farming. They belong to dual purpose breeds and got the best out of the Rhode Island Reds plus other desirable traits of other bird breeds.

A cinnamon queen chicken standing in a grassy field, surrounded by other chickens of various colors

Apart from being practical layers, Cinnamon Queens have cinnamon colored striking feathers and are calm tempered hence considered good pet birds. It is important to note that they are hardy birds that do well in different conditions and can easily do well in backyard coops. A note must be taken to the proper feeding of these chickens as well as other practices that will enhance the well being of these chickens to produce eggs.

If one is planning to keep Cinnamon Queen chickens, it will be quite helpful to know their requirement and other attributes that they possess.

Key Takeaways

  •  Also, they lay hugh number of eggs as compared to other breeds of chickens known as Cinnamon Queen chickens.
  •  This can be attributed to the fact that most of them are friendly in nature and Can live in so many places.
  •  This makes it important to give them a proper care in order to have a healthy and productive Grazers.

Origins of the Cinnamon Queen Chicken

A cinnamon queen chicken stands proudly in a rustic barnyard, surrounded by golden straw and vibrant green grass. Its feathers shimmer with warm, cinnamon hues, and its bright eyes exude a sense of regal confidence

The Cinnamon Queen chicken is thus a cross breed of chicken which was developed late 90s. It emerged from the method of selective breeding, which seeks to bring together favorable characteristics from its using breeds. In this section, details on how it was developed and the meaning of the name of this association will be looked at.

Breed Development

This breed is as a result of a careful selection and crossbreeding of the commercial eggs layers. This kind is the cross breed of the Rhode Island Red and the Rhode Island White.

The intention for such combination was to come up with a bird that lays eggs well while at the same time having the ability to withstand different conditions.

Breeders put emphasis on developing an auto-sexing bird, that is sexing of the chick based on the period of hatch. This trait assist the farmers in gender identification in the flock without waiting for maturity.

The first hybrid chickens known as Cinnamon Queens begun becoming famous in backyard farming as well as commercial farming due to their high fertility rates in laying eggs. These can even produce between 260 and 300 eggs per year, they are good for supply of fresh eggs.

Name Origin

The name “Cinnamon Queen” reflects both the variety’s appearance and its standing. The expression “Cinnamon” alludes to the rich, warm shade of the quills, which can change from light tan to dull rosy brown.

This distinct coloration makes them visually appealing among chicken breeds.

The “Queen” designation suggests a status of importance within backyard and commercial flocks. This breed is known for its productivity and adaptability, suggesting that it reigns supreme in terms of egg production.

Together, these elements highlight the pride and value associated with the Cinnamon Queen chicken in the poultry world.

Friendly with People and Other Chickens

The Cinnamon Queen is a docile bird thus easy to handle in the backyard or in confined spaces. These birds can relate with human beings and easily become tamed to their owners. They are also friendly birds as they do not attack other chickens hence suitable to be kept together with other chicken breeds. They are friendly so they can live with children, although they do not easily display signs of nervousness that some of the other breeds have. All in all, it should be noted that this breed is easy to handle and loves to communicate with people, so Cinnamon Queens are exactly what you need if you searched for a calm-natured dog.

Why Cinnamon Queens Are Friendly:

  • Docile and Calm: Their temperament makes them excellent pets, perfect for families or first-time chicken keepers.
  • Social Nature: They enjoy being around other chickens and tend to avoid conflict within the flock.
  • Adaptability: They adapt well to new environments and people, making them less prone to stress compared to more flighty breeds.

A Hardy Bird That Can Tolerate Heat

Cinnamon Queens are beautiful birds that are friendliest and more resistant particularly to warmer temperature. This breed is particularly known to be summer hardy and thus well suited for folks residing in warm or temperate climates. That is why they can lay eggs even in a hot climate, which makes them an ideal choice for producers of table eggs in the tropic.

Heat Tolerance in Cinnamon Queens:

  • Feather Structure: This is because their feathering is lighter hence allowing perfect circulation of air making them cooler during summer seasons.
  • Active in Heat:Other breeds may put less effort into their work especially when in the heat; Cinnamon Queens are exception to this.
  • Hydration: Like all chickens they require water and shade but owning a Cinnamon Queen is easier because they are hardery stressed by heat as compared to the average chicken.

When Do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Start Laying?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are particularly famed for fast egg laying and therefore they are famous among the people who want quick outcomes of raising a chicken. These chickens normally produce eggs after a age of 16-18 weeks and this makes them to produce eggs early compared to most chicken breeds. Due to the early maturity of the birds, you are able to get the fruits of the investment in form of eggs within a short period, making them ideal for the purpose of providing eggs.

Factors Affecting Egg-Laying Age:

  1. Diet and Nutrition: Nutrition is therefore very key in making sure that Cinnamon Queens start laying at the correct time. Proper starter feed of good quality with optimal protein level and vitamins and minerals are very important during the first few weeks of feeding. Once they get to laying stage, the birds must be fed on layer feed with calcium since this will assist them in developing strong egg shell.
  2. Light Exposure:IF ASIA is a legal file format, then an analysis of INTPAR is required It is worthy to point out that the reproductive system in the chickens is affected by light. Flowering of Cinnamon Queens needs about 14 to 16 hours of light to induce their ovulation and hence egg bearing. If you are rearing your birds where the days are short, the addition of artificial light will make it possible to continue having early laying.
  3. Health and Environment: A stress-free environment is crucial for early laying. Ensure that your Cinnamon Queens have enough space, a clean coop, and proper health care to keep them happy and productive.
  4. Breed Characteristics: As a hybrid breed, Cinnamon Queens have been specifically bred for quick maturity and high egg production. This genetic advantage means they often start laying earlier than heritage breeds, which may not begin until 20 to 24 weeks.

Egg Production After Laying Starts

After commencement of laying, Cinnamon Queens are very productive and can lay 5 to 6 eggs in a week, putting a yearly egg production of 250-300 large brown eggs. These are early maturing birds, which means that they are perfect for anyone who would like to get eggs frequently, with little or no delay.

Physical Characteristics

A cinnamon queen chicken stands proudly, with vibrant red and brown feathers, a sturdy frame, and a regal posture

Cinnamon Queen chickens are known for their distinct appearance and manageable size. Their feathering and coloration set them apart from other breeds. They possess a compact body structure, contributing to their overall appeal.

Feathering and Color

Cinnamon Queen chickens feature beautiful cinnamon-brown feathers. This rich color gives them a warm and attractive appearance in any flock. The feathers may have subtle iridescence that adds to their charm.

Hens and roosters display different feather characteristics. Hens are generally a darker red-brown, while roosters are predominantly white. This distinct color difference helps with easy identification, especially for those interested in breeding.

The feathering is typically dense and provides adequate protection against weather conditions. This ensures that they remain comfortable and healthy throughout various seasons.

Size and Weight

Cinnamon Queen chickens fall into the medium size category. Roosters typically weigh between 5.5 to 7.5 pounds. Hens are slightly lighter, averaging 4.5 to 5.5 pounds.

Their compact build makes them easy to manage, suitable for both backyard and larger farm settings. Despite their smaller size compared to some breeds, they can still be quite hearty and robust.

This manageable weight is an advantage for those caring for them. It allows for easier handling during feeding, grooming, and health checks. The combination of their size and weight makes them a practical  keepers.

Cinnamon Queen Chickens Price

The price of Cinnamon Queen chickens can vary based on several factors, including age, source, and local market conditions. Here’s a breakdown of what you might expect:

  1. Chicks:

  • Price Range: Cinnamon Queen chicks typically range from $2 to $5 each.
  • Availability: They are usually common in the spring from hatchery, local farm or the feed store.
  1. Adult Hens:

  • Price Range: Fully grown Cinnamon Queen hens can be priced between $15 to $25 each, depending on their age and condition.
  • Considerations: Pullet, young hens not yet in the production of eggs may be cheaper than layer which are already egg-laying.
  1. Roosters:

  • Price Range: Cinnamon Queen roosters generally cost around $10 to $20 each.
  • Location and Vendor: Prices can differ based on the geographic area, local demand, and where you purchase (e.g., hatcheries, feed stores, or private breeders). It’s also common to find options for bulk purchases, which may reduce the per-bird cost.

Additional Costs to Consider

  • Shipping: In the process of buying chicks online there may be the costs of transporting chicks to your premises.
  • Supplies: It’ll also take you extra money to feed, house, buy bedding and health needs of your chicken.

Behavior and Temperament

A cinnamon queen chicken struts confidently, feathers rustling in the breeze, its curious and friendly demeanor evident as it pecks at the ground

The Cinnamon Queen chickens, as it is mentioned earlier, are quiet friendly and are not at all aggressive. Familiarity with their social behavior as well as that of managing them can go a long way in the kind of care as well as the absorption of one to a flock.

Social Dynamics

Several species of Cinnamon Queens are gregarious birds, which naturally prefer to dwell in societies that are composed of many like them. They like the presence of their flock and get to follow or bond with the owner. This breed keeps lower aggression levels in comparison with some other breeds that is why they are excellent for newbies or families.

They thrive in a peaceful environment and can get stressed easily by loud noises or sudden changes. When housed with other breeds, Cinnamon Queens typically establish themselves without causing conflict, helping to maintain harmony in a mixed flock.

Handling and Interaction

When handling Cinnamon Queens, gentle and calm approaches are best. They usually accept being held and petted, appreciating attention from their human caretakers. This interaction can strengthen the bond between the chicken and its owner.

Training them to follow simple commands can be rewarding due to their intelligent nature. Providing treats can encourage engagement and help to establish trust. Patience and consistency are crucial for positive interactions. The Cinnamon Queen’s friendly disposition makes them an ideal choice for those seeking an affectionate pet.

Egg Production

A cinnamon queen chicken lays eggs in a cozy, straw-filled nesting box in a rustic barn

Cinnamon Queen chickens have shown the ability of laying eggs at a very high rate. It is because they give a steady supply of eggs; a factor which is an influential consideration towards having these birds according to the poultry lovers. People that might choose to adopt these chickens need to have an inkling of how the egg color, size, and the rate at which the hens lay it is.

Egg Color and Size

Cinnamon Queen hens lay eggs that are predominantly brown. The eggshells can range from large to extra-large sizes. This trait makes them a popular choice among those looking for substantial egg offerings.

Normally, the eggs give a tasty and velvety taste on the mouth inflammatory as well as a rich hue. The shells are mainly brown but the shade can sometimes differ and is influenced with the diet taken by the hen and its health status. Majority of hens will produce eggs that will have an approximate weight of about 2. It is 5 ounces which places them in par with other intense layers.

Housing and Environment

A cinnamon queen chicken roams freely in a spacious and clean outdoor coop surrounded by trees and greenery

Indeed, the management of the poultry housing for Cinnamon Queen chickens largely determines the welfare of these birds. They are preserved from any hunting predators through housing and a secure fencing for a proper living.

Coop Requirements

Cinnamon Queen chickens thrive in spacious coops. The floor space should allow for at least 4 square feet per bird. This space helps reduce stress and promotes healthy behavior.

The coop should be well-ventilated to reduce on wetness since this is harmful to the health of the chicken. You may consult on having windows for natural light but ensure that the windows can be closed well at night.

It may consist of straw or wood shavings and is ideal for such a purpose. Such materials are good at absorbing both moisture and odors which ensures cleanliness of the surrounding. Hygiene is very important through cleaning to reduce the incidences of diseases.

Fencing and Predation

Secure fencing is vital to protect Cinnamon Queen chickens from predators. A fence should be at least 6 feet high to deter most animals. Consider using a combination of solid walls or chicken wire for best results.

Digging predators can be a concern, so burying the fence 12 inches deep is a good practice. This prevents animals from burrowing underneath.

Another way if protection is the use of roof and an overhanging fence can also work well. Chickens being very active can at times be very curious hence the need to ensure that the surrounding environment is not dangerous to the bird. This way, any issues that may be arising with the fencing will be well checked and attended to early.

Health and Wellness

A cinnamon queen chicken pecking at scattered grains in a lush, green, open field

Cinnamon Queen chickens are special breeds that may need their health and well-being to be given special attention. It is possible to get acquainted with their usual diseases, feeding, and the role of a veterinarian for animals to preserve their health and performance.

Common Ailments

As with any poultry, Cinnamon Queen chickens are quite healthy but are not free from health complications. Common ailments include:

  • Egg Binding: A situation in which a hen is unable to pass odds and ends through the genital tract in the form of eggs. If left unchecked, it will cause some complications that are very dangerous to the health of the patients.
  • Vent Prolapse: This happens when the hen’s vent opens to the outside body surface and this often causes a lot of pain and needs surgery.
  • Egg Yolk Peritonitis: A disease that has a potential to affect hens especially those that lay many eggs. This in turn results into symptoms such as nausea, lethargy and reduced fertility in laying of eggs.

This habits assists in administration of early interventions for any health complications that may be detected from the observation of behavior or the manner in which they lay eggs.

Dietary Needs

Frequent feeding is essential to the well-being of Cinnamon Queen chickens because of their diet. They require:

  • High-Quality Layer Feed: This should have contained between 16-18% protein to cater for the layer’s egg production.
  • Calcium:For the formation of strong eggshells, hens require proper feed supplements which are basically calcium, and this can in most cases be gotten from crushed oyster shells.
  • Fresh Water: Some of the necessities of life include food, shelter and water, although the last one translates to clean water as the community requires it in its daily business. It should be always at their disposal.

In addition to commercial feed, providing kitchen scraps like fruits and vegetables in moderation can improve their diet.

Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary care helps ensure the ongoing health of Cinnamon Queen chickens. Essential aspects include:

  • Routine Check-ups:Periodic medical examination can certainly identify any disease which may be in its early stages.
  • Vaccinations: Marek’s and coryza are a portion of the infections that can be forestalled by antibody.
  • Parasite Control: Since stress is a scratch pick calculate the wellbeing of a herd, coming up next are critical approaches to keeping the group sound: Deworming the birds occasionally Checking for bugs and lice and treating when essential

Health and treatments records can also assist in long-term health care management also. Through proper care they ensure that these excellent layers lead productive healthy lives.

Breeding Practices

Cinnamon queen chickens in a spacious, clean coop with nesting boxes and a feeding station. Selective breeding signs evident in diverse plumage colors and healthy, robust birds

Accomplished breeding practices are crucial for the breeding stock, for the quality and levels of production of Cinnamon Queen chickens. Knowledge on selection and genetic factors enables breeders to improve on the qualities desired in the flock while at the same time maintaining the flock’s health.

Selective Breeding

Selective breeding centers on the selection of parent birds with specific genetic make up with the aim of getting offspring with the same attributes. For Cinnamon Queens chosen breeders’ hens are usually evaluated by their egg-laying abilities and non-aggressive disposition.

The key traits to consider include:

  • Egg Laying Ability: Prioritize hens that consistently lay large, high-quality eggs.
  • Body Size and Weight: Choose birds that meet the ideal weight standards for their gender.
  • Health and Hardiness: Select for resistance to common chicken diseases to ensure a resilient flock.

Regular evaluation of offspring helps in identifying which birds should be kept for future breeding.

Genetic Considerations

In the practice of breeding this is evident that genetic variation plays a significant role. Genetic health concerns involve disorders that are passed down from one generation to the other and this is brought down by the improvement of genetics. One doesn’t want to breed birds that are on the feeble or sickly side of things so one must never in-breed.

Breeders should consider:

  • Hybrid Vigor: Crossbreeding can enhance traits like size and egg production. Cinnamon Queens are hybrid chickens, resulting from carefully selected parent stock.
  • Sex-Linked Traits: The distinct feather colors in males and females help in managing breeding without confusion.

Monitoring genetic backgrounds ensures a positive outcome in breeding efforts.

Care and Maintenance

A cinnamon queen chicken pecking at the ground in a clean and spacious coop, surrounded by fresh straw and a water dispenser

These chickens need proper attention as well as care in order to ensure that they are healthy at all times. These birds should therefore be monitored in terms of daily activities and other general requirements to enable them have a healthy and productive life.

Daily Care Routine

Therefore, every day Cinnamon Queen chickens have a laid down plan for their diet. They should be able to exercise free access to clean water at any given one time. ‘Clean’ water as it is commonly referred to assists in avoiding dehydration while improving the health of an individual.

Feeding should be on daily basis whereby the diets should be high quality poultry feed. This feed should consist of a right proportion of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Chickens also like to free range which makes them look for insects and plants to supplement their meals.

Physical check ups are necessary now and then. Owners should monitor the birds in order to detect early signs of illness including; poor appetite or even lack of movement. Egg collection also ensures that the area where the birds nest is kept clean and the ladies will go and lay more eggs.

Long-term Maintenance

In the long-term management of the cats, the most beneficial aspect that has to be offered is the provision of appropriate shelter. The coop should be airy and should not be easily accessible by predators such as foxes, fowls and sneaky people. It should also be cleaned frequently so that wastes that are potential disease causing factors do not accumulate.

 Cinnamon Queens, as a type of palm, can only grow in conditions which shield them from high temperatures. Providing them with insulation during winter as when the building is shaded during summer the environment can help their health.

In any case, checks with a veterinarian are recommended on a routine basis as contributory to the dog’s overall well being. Gluco vaccination and treatment of other ailments that are likely to affect the flock keeps them healthy. Lastly, proper feeding and care schedule is remained constant in order to get these chickens more productive for years.

Community and Resources

A group of cinnamon queen chickens gather around a pile of resources in a community coop

The cinnamon queen chicken has a supportive community and numerous resources for both new and experienced chicken keepers. These platforms provide valuable information, advice, and connections for anyone interested in this popular breed.

Breeders and Clubs

Finding reputable breeders is essential for anyone looking to purchase cinnamon queen chickens. Many dedicated breeders focus on maintaining the health and characteristics of this breed. Joining local poultry clubs can also be beneficial. These clubs often organize events, shows, and meetups where enthusiasts can share tips and experiences.

Potential buyers can search the internet for breeder directories or Look for them in the local yellow pages. Most of the breeders provide assurances concerning the wellbeing of the birds that they sell. One should seek information related to breeding techniques and general practices involved for the care of the animals.

Within these clubs people can make friends and can get in contact with reliable sources for buying chickens for their flock.

Online Forums and Support

Online forums are excellent resources for cinnamon queen chicken enthusiasts. They offer a space for individuals to ask questions and share experiences. Popular platforms include dedicated chicken forums and social media groups.

Members often share valuable tips on egg production, health care, and breeding. These forums can provide support during troubleshooting and decision-making processes.

Many experienced chicken keepers participate and offer advice, making the learning process easier for newcomers. Documented experiences help answer common questions and build a library of practical knowledge.

Using these online platforms helps ensure that keepers can stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in caring for cinnamon queen chickens.

Culinary Use

A chef sprinkles cinnamon on a roasted queen chicken

Cinnamon Queen chickens are valued for their contributions to both meat and egg production. They provide quality poultry options for various culinary needs.

Meat Production

Cinnamon Queen is moderately sized bird that is relatively easy to feed and suits mid-range flavours. It would be pertinent to consider them as medium sized birds with the roosters falling between 5 and 7 kilograms. 5 and 7. =5 pounds and hens weighing about 4. 5 to 5. 5 pounds.

These are their meats which tend to be tender and greatly flavored for the different preparations being used to prepare the meat. Frying either through roasting or grilling deepens the natural flavours of the foods.

Cinnamon Queens can also be reared for meat depending with the desires of the people who engage in backyard husbandry. These chickens can result in an incredible idea of providing poultry that is free from the supermarkets.

Egg Recipes and Uses

Cinnamon Queen hens are prolific layers, producing about 260 to 300 eggs per year. Their large to extra-large eggs have rich brown shells, which are appealing in both appearance and taste.

These eggs are versatile and can be used in numerous recipes. They are great for breakfast staples like scrambled eggs and omelets.

These are loved at home by bakers as they are ideal to be used in cakes, quiches, and custards. They are colorful and can help in the color and taste of other foods that are ingested making it a favorite for most cooks ranging from local to commercial.

Conservation and Ethics

A cinnamon queen chicken peacefully roosts in a lush, natural setting, surrounded by vibrant foliage and clear, flowing water

Cinnamon Queen chickens are a hybrid breed that combines traits from different purebred chickens. This has implications both for their conservation status and the ethical considerations surrounding their care and breeding.

Conservation Status

Delaware chickens are not purebred but a combination of purebred chicken breeds to come up with Cinnamon Queen chickens this is true. This has importance in their conservation status and in other ethic issues that associated with their husbandry and breeding.

Nevertheless, problems arise in case of such hybrid breeds like the Cinnamon Queen. They may not enhances gene diversity as compared with the pedigreed breeds. Genetic variation remains important in chicken production so as to avoid the risks of being[N]Immunogenically and physiogenically sensitive to diseases and other environmental shocks.

Ethical Rearing Practices

Ethical rearing practices are important especially when it comes to the feeding and care of the Cinnamon Queen chickens. Proper housing is important. Chickens require to move around, have water to drink and healthy diets.

Over crowing is also a reason why farmers should avoid and the latter has certain effects on the health of the animals. Then, normal behaviors and social interactions are promoted by offering an environment mimic natural situations. This also comprises humane methods for handling and transportation so as to avert the harm of the animals.

These practices by the farmers also protect the welfare of Cinnamon Queen chickens keeping them healthy and producing quality eggs. The ethical treatment affects animals for the better as it also enhances the quality of their products.

Frequently Asked Questions

A cinnamon queen chicken standing in a farmyard, surrounded by other chickens

This section addresses common inquiries about the Cinnamon Queen chicken. Topics include their lifespan, egg-laying age, breed characteristics, alternative names, behavior, and comparisons to similar breeds.

 Are Cinnamon Queen chickens good egg layers?

Yes, Cinnamon Queen chickens are excellent egg layers. They typically produce around 280 to 300 eggs per year, averaging 4 to 5 eggs per week. Their consistent laying and high-quality eggs make them a popular choice for backyard flock owners.

 What is the personality of a Cinnamon Queen chicken?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are known to be friendly and gentle birds that preferred to stay in a group as well as they are protective of their eggs too. They are usually social and love to explore hence can be addition to family flock. This makes them have a gentle demeanor thus making then easily blend in other areas especially with children and other animals.

 What’s another name for a Cinnamon Queen chicken?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are often referred to as Red Star or simply Cinnamon. These names may vary by region or supplier, but they all refer to the same hybrid breed.

 Are Isa Brown and Cinnamon Queen the same?

Cinnamon Queens and Isa Browns are similar but not the same breed. Both are hybrid layers known for their productivity, but they come from different breeding programs. Isa Browns are particularly noted for their docile nature and consistent egg production as well. While their egg-laying capabilities are comparable, there may be slight differences in appearance and temperament.

What is the lifespan of a Cinnamon Queen chicken?


Cinnamon Queen chickens typically live about 5 to 7 years. With proper care, their lifespan can be extended, allowing for productive years on a farm or backyard.

At what age do Cinnamon Queen chickens begin laying eggs?


Cinnamon Queen hens start laying eggs at around 16 to 18 weeks. This early laying capability makes them a desirable choice for poultry enthusiasts.

What are the primary characteristics of the Cinnamon Queen

chicken breed?

Cinnamon Queens are medium-sized chickens known for their compact bodies. Hens generally weigh between 4.5 and 5.5 pounds, while roosters weigh around 5.5 to 7.5 pounds. They feature dark red-brown plumage with yellow legs.

Is there another name for Cinnamon Queen chickens that they are commonly known by?


Cinnamon Queen chickens are sometimes referred to as “Red Queens.” This name highlights their coloring and helps distinguish them from other chicken breeds.

How do Cinnamon Queen chickens comport themselves behaviorally?


Cinnamon Queens are known for being friendly and social. Their calm demeanor makes them good pets and excellent additions to homesteads or flocks.

Are Cinnamon Queen chickens and Golden Comets considered the same breed?


While Cinnamon Queens and Golden Comets are similar, they are not the same breed. Both are sex-linked hybrids, but they have distinct color patterns and characteristics.



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