HomePoultry FarmingBarred Rock Chicks: Step-by-Step Care

Barred Rock Chicks: Step-by-Step Care

Barred Rock chicks because of its friendly disposition of the chicks as well as its striking appearance and; its ability to adapt well to first-time poultry farmers as well as for experienced chicken farmers.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Barred Rock chicks need a warm and clean brooder for the first few weeks of life.
  • Proper nutrition, including starter feed and fresh water, is crucial for the healthy growth of Barred Rock chicks.
  • Understanding the social behavior and broodiness of Barred Rock chicks can help in managing their interactions.
  • Regular health checks and preventative care are essential to avoid common ailments in Barred Rock chicks.
  • Transitioning chicks to the coop should be done carefully, ensuring they are ready and the coop is well-prepared.

Preparing Your Home for Barred Rock Chicks

safe, clean, watered, and fed,or giving them fresh greens and in no time at all they are ready to be transferred to a coop.

Preparation Before Arrival

Brooder Setup:

  • Brooder Box:Here you should be able to use a cardboard box, plastic tote, or have a commercial brooder. Make sure there is enough space in order that the chicks can be able to move up and down within that enclosure.
  • Bedding: For the nest use pine shavings, straw or paper towels. It is also wise to steer clear of cedar shavings as they also pose some danger to the guinea pig’s health.
  • Heat Source: Provide a heat lamp or brooder plate. Start with the temperature at 95°F (35°C) at chick level and decrease it by 5°F each week.


  • Feeder and Waterer: Use shallow dishes initially to prevent drowning. Transition to standard chick feeders and waterers as they grow.
  • Thermometer: Place it at chick level to monitor the temperature accurately.

2. Day 1: Arrival and First 24 Hours

Handling Chicks:

  • Gently transfer the chicks to the brooder.
  • Dip each chick’s beak in water to teach them how to drink.


  • Provide a high-quality chick starter feed with at least 18-20% protein.
  • Ensure fresh, clean water is always available.


  • Monitor her behavior and any symptoms of stress, like if she’s peeking excessively or simply doesn’t want to play at all anymore.
  • Avoid overcrowding the chicks as they will huddle together and may be too cold or when they are too far from the source of warmth, they will be too hot.

3. First Week

Daily Care:

  • Monitor the temperature and adjust the height of the heat lamp if necessary.
  • Clean and refill the waterer and feeder daily.
  • Change bedding every few days to keep it dry and clean.

Health Checks:

  • Alumni for signs of pasty butt is a situation where droppings stick to the chicken’s cloaca known as vent. This is used to clean the hands when necessary the process involves washing with a warm, damp cloth.

4. Weeks 2-4

Temperature Adjustment:

  • Lower the brooder temperature by 5°F each week until it reaches about 70°F.


  • Continue with the chick starter feed.
  • Introduce grit if you begin offering small treats (such as finely chopped greens or grains).


  • Provide more space as chicks grow. Consider moving them to a larger brooder or preparing the coop for an eventual transition.

5. Weeks 4-8


  • Gradually make preparations to acclimate the chicks for a life in the outdoors by gradually decreasing the temperature and only allowing short stints outside when the weather is not extremely hostile.
  • Acclimatize the chicks to the coop and run during daylight and return them to the brooder at night.


  • Watch for any signs of illness or stress.
  • Ensure they are feathering out well.

6. Week 8 and Beyond

Moving to the Coop:

  • Transfer them to their final unit when fully feathered and when the temperature is favorable for native cokes.
  • Make sure that no predators can access the coop and there is sufficient supply of fresh air the birds need.

Diet Change:

  • Gradually change the feed from grower to chick starter feed but this should be done carefully.
  • Start also offering oyster shell or calcium supplement when they started laying eggs which usually at 18-20 weeks.

Socialization and Enrichment:

  • Spend time with your chicks to keep them friendly.
  • Provide perches, dust baths, and space to forage.

7. Long-Term Care

Regular Maintenance:

  • Clean the coop regularly.
  • Provide fresh food and water daily.
  • Monitor for signs of health issues and treat promptly.

Health Checks:

  • Regularly check for parasites like lice and mites.
  • Keep an eye on their behavior and egg production.

Feeding and Nutrition

Starter Feed Options

It is the same case when it comes to feeding Barred Rock chicks where it is recommended a good starter feed be administered. Starter feed normally aims at containing about 20% protein; this is because they grow and develop much faster than the mature birds. However, once the puppies are 8 weeks old they should be placed on an 18% Grower Feed which this store also sells! Grower is fed to pullets throughout their cycle, starting from eight weeks old up to the time when they are capable of laying eggs. When these chicks are about one week old, you should stop using the broiler chick feed and proceed to feed them a 16% Layer Feed once they lay their first egg. This Layer Feed will be their major feed for the rest of their lives but you can occasional switch with Scratch or Oyster Shell in case you are thinking of breeding them.

Supplements and Treats

Aside from being fed the standard chicks diet, Barred Rock chicks can be offered different kinds of food additions and delicacies. One of the supplements commonly used by hen is Oyster Shell which is playing a big role of adding more calcium to the hen in order to produce eggs. Scratch grains can be fed to the pigs as a treat but it should not be offered to the pigs as their major form of feed. These supplement should be introduced slowly in order to reduce the burden on the digestive system.

Watering Tips

Feeder and waterer: Pet parents should offer fresh food and water in an appropriately sized feeder and waterer designed for chicks. Water bowls should not be used, as chicks can tip them over or fall into them and drown. Water bowls are also prone to contamination from soiled bedding, droppings, and parasites.

Understanding Barred Rock Chick Behavior

Barred Rock chicks are known for their friendly and calm demeanor. These chicks are social creatures and thrive in environments where they can interact with other chickens. They are not as flighty or alert as other breeds, which makes them more susceptible to aerial predators.

Social Interactions

Barred Rock chicks enjoy the company of their flock and often engage in playful behaviors. It’s important to provide them with enough space to interact and establish a pecking order.


Barred Rock hens can get quite broody. The ones that do become broody make good mothers and are very protective of their chicks. This trait allows the hen and her clutch to move outdoors much sooner than other chicken breeds.

Foraging Habits

These chicks are natural foragers and enjoy scratching the ground in search of food. Providing them with opportunities to forage can help keep them active and healthy.

Health and Wellness

Barred Rock chicks health care

Common Ailments

Captive bred Barred Rock chicks, like all chickens, are tender creatures that may develop different illnesses.

Preventative Care

. Raising chickens by children and other ages as well because it is a fun and intensive process!

When to Consult a Vet

Coop and Run Setup

Setting up a proper coop and run for your Barred Rock chicks is crucial for their health and well-being. A coop that is 4 ft. x 4 ft. per Plymouth Rock should be sufficient. Any less than that can encourage some bad behavior as they fight for space. Additionally, a 10 in. roosting space per bird is preferred, along with a 12 in. x 12 in. nesting box.

Once you’ve built your coop and safely enclosed chicken run, gather all feed and watering supplies. The better prepared you are, the more successful your endeavors will be.

Transitioning Chicks to the Coop

Barred Rock chicks in a coop

When to Move Them

After about six weeks, once the chicks have feathered out and grown, they can be transferred to a chicken coop for the rest of their life. The process of moving chicks should be gradual to avoid stress. Introduce them to their new environment for short periods during the warmest part of the day.

Preparing the Coop

A chicken coop, or a plan, at the very minimum, for housing your birds once they graduate from the brooder is an obvious necessity. Ensure the brooder is not accessible to unsupervised children or animals, like curious cats and dogs.

Monitoring the Transition

If the chicks had just a 1 night journey from the hatchery, all appear to be thriving, and the weather is warm (at least 80 degrees F) and mild, I might put them outside on greenery for an hour, as early as day #2. Chicks are delicate creatures, and those sent by mail have been subject to more stress than chicks under a hen. Keep an eye out for common chick problems, like diarrhea, constipation, toe picking, feather picking, and any other signs of distress.

Daily Care Routine

Feeding Schedule

Barred Rock chicks require a consistent feeding schedule to ensure they grow healthy and strong. Daily feeding and watering are essential to keep them comfortable and thriving. Provide fresh starter feed and clean water every day, and monitor their consumption to adjust portions as needed.

Cleaning Tasks

Maintaining cleanliness in the brooder is crucial for the chicks’ health. Spot-clean the brooder daily by removing droppings, soiled material, and uneaten food. Fresh bedding should be added each day. At least once a month, wash and disinfect the brooder with a commercial cleaner or a 3% bleach solution. Ensure the brooder and its contents are completely dry before placing new bedding and clean accessories back.

Health Checks

Regular health checks are vital to catch any potential issues early. Observe your chicks several times a day to ensure they are active and happy. Check that the brooder is at a suitable temperature and that the waterer and feeders are not clogged. After about four weeks, you can let the chicks spend warm days outside on clean, unfertilized grass, but always supervise them closely to protect from predators.


Seasonal Care Tips

Barred Rock chicks seasonal care

Winter Care

In the winter months, make sure your coop is well-ventilated and consider applying coconut oil or vaseline to their exposed skin areas if temperatures are not below freezing. This helps prevent frostbite. Additionally, ensure the coop is warm enough to keep your chicks comfortable.

Summer Care

During the summer, it’s crucial to keep the coop cool to avoid heat stress. Provide plenty of fresh water and shade. You can also use fans or frozen water bottles to help maintain a cooler environment.

Moulting Period

It is recommended that a couple should add the supplements to their diet and should make sure the environment is conducive for them during this time.

Barred Rock Chickens and Egg Production

Barred Rock chicks and eggs

When to Expect Eggs

Barred Rock hens are known for their impressive egg production, typically laying about 200 to 280 eggs per year. This translates to roughly four to five eggs per week. Hens need 12 to 16 hours of daylight to maintain optimal egg-laying conditions. You can expect your Barred Rock hens to start laying eggs at around 18 to 22 weeks of age.

Nesting Box Setup

Maximizing Egg Yield

To maximize egg yield, consider the following tips:

  1. Nutrition: Provide a balanced diet rich in calcium and protein.
  2. Hydration: Ensure a constant supply of fresh water.
  3. Lighting: Use artificial lighting during shorter days to extend daylight hours.
  4. Health Checks: Regularly monitor the health of your hens to prevent diseases that could affect egg production.

Socializing and Training Your Chicks

Handling Techniques

This is why when they are still small and are still chicks they should be acquainted with people so that when they grow they can easily be tamed. When you hold your chickens,

Introducing to Other Chickens

After about four weeks of age, you can let your chicks spend warm days outside on clean, unfertilized grass. Chicks must always be closely supervised and protected from predators while outside. If the weather is warm (at least 80 degrees F) and mild, you might put them outside on greenery for an hour, as early as day #2. However, don’t feel rushed; chicks are delicate creatures and need time to adjust.

Building Trust

Pet parents should see their chicks several times a day in order to monitor that the brooder is warm enough, that litter doesn’t block their waterer and/or feeder and that all of the chicks are healthy and moving around.

Choosing Barred Rock Chicks

Where to Buy

When starting your journey as a flock owner, you want to know where you can source your Barred Rock chicks from. You can be able to buy them from local hatcheries, farm supply shops or online breeders who keep exotic birds. Make certain that the source is legitimate to avoid poor health costs later on.

Selecting Healthy Chicks

Healthy Barred Rock chicks should be active, alert, and free from any visible deformities. Look for chicks with bright eyes, clean vents, and smooth, fluffy down feathers. Avoid chicks that appear lethargic or have any signs of illness.

Initial Health Checks

Upon bringing your chicks home, conduct an initial health check. This includes checking for pasty butt, ensuring they are eating and drinking properly, and monitoring their behavior. Early detection of any issues can prevent more serious health problems later on.


Başak has earned the trust of those involved in embryonic development and rearing of Barred Rock chicks demanding special care and consideration. When preparing a warm and clean brooder, supplying constant heat, food and water besides creating safe place you then create good physical, physiological and psychological health of this birds. Growing them, transferring them to a coop, and continually feeding them healthily and keeping the area hygienically clean will see the chickens grow healthily. Barred Rocks are gentle birds and equally good layers; therefore, they can be an ideal choice for those having a small poultry farm in the backyard. If cared for properly, these hardy and attractive birds will be good companions to your coworkers and assets to your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Barred Rock chicks?

You can purchase Barred Rock chicks online from various companies or from your local farm or farmer’s supply store.

What should I prepare before bringing Barred Rock chicks home?

You need to prepare a clean brooder with a heat source, along with constant access to food and water for the first few weeks of their life.

How long do Barred Rock chicks need a heat lamp?

Barred Rock chicks typically need a heat lamp for the first 18-20 days. After that, they may not need constant heat during the day.

Are Barred Rock hens broody?

Yes, Barred Rock hens can get quite broody and make good mothers, being very protective of their chicks.

What is the temperament of Barred Rock chickens?

Barred Rock chickens are known to be friendly and calm, making them a great addition to any backyard flock.

Do Barred Rock chickens suffer from any common ailments?

Barred Rock chickens are generally healthy and not prone to any specific health issues, making them easy to care for.

What do Barred Rock chicks look like when they hatch?

Barred Rock chicks have dark gray down feathers with white patches on their heads and bodies when they hatch, rather than the black and white coloring they develop later.

How can I ensure the health of my Barred Rock chickens?

Keep their coop clean, feed them quality chicken feed, avoid harmful foods like chocolate and raw potato skins, and keep an eye out for predators.



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