Mystic Onyx Chicken 2024


The Mystic Onyx Chicken, a striking and relatively new addition to the poultry world, is a hatchery mix developed from silkies and meat birds. Known for its dark, iridescent plumage and unique physical traits, this breed has quickly captured the interest of chicken enthusiasts. Despite being a non-recognized breed, its distinctive characteristics and suitability for backyard flocks make it a fascinating subject for both novice and experienced poultry keepers.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Mystic Onyx chickens are a hatchery mix between Silkies and meat birds, developed for their dark meat and skin.
  • This breed is not officially recognized but is celebrated for its unique aesthetic, including black skin and plumage with potential red flares.
  • They are known for their five-toed feet, a trait inherited from Silkies, and occasionally display feather tufts.
  • Suitable for backyard flocks, these chickens are social, active, and require ample space.
  • Mystic Onyx chickens lay light-brown, medium-sized eggs and are considered beginner-friendly in terms of care and maintenance.

The Name “Mystic Onyx”

Why “Mystic Onyx”? The very name creates the sort of associations similar to a precious stone or something that is hard to come by. Onyx, a gemstone with black shiny color, is befitting to describe their sleek shade of purple, often referred to as plum. The word “Mystic” seems to incorporate a certain element of play, thus making the breed appear as somewhat elusive as it actually is.

Overview of Mystic Onyx Chicken

mystical black chicken with shiny feathers

Origins and Development

The Spiritualist Onyx chicken is a moderately new variety, created by crossing Selkies with meat birds. This breed was enrolled in 2021 by Hoover’s Incubation center, meaning to join the stylish allure of dim plumage with the common sense of meat creation. The variety isn’t yet perceived formally, however, it has accumulated consideration because of its interesting appearance and potential double reason benefits.

Physical Characteristics

Mystic Onyx chickens are known for their striking dark appearance, which incorporates black skin, meat, and feathers. They frequently show red-orange flares in their plumage, making a lovely difference. These chickens are medium-sized, with a powerful form that clues at their meat bird legacy. Their dull highlights are a consequence of cautious determination during the reproducing process.

Current Popularity

Notwithstanding being another contestant in the poultry world, Mystic Onyx chickens have in practically no time acquired prevalence among lawn poultry lovers and specialists. Their interesting shading and double reason capacities make them a positive decision for those hoping to add a fascinating pizazz to their group. They are especially famous in settings where their fiery and dynamic way of behaving can be expected.

Breeding and Genetics

Raising Mystic Onyx Chickens is considered as a form of an artwork as well as being an applied science. Thus, it is important that their genetic structure is preserved in order to sustain their traits.

Selective Breeding Practices

Selecting involves choosing the best one for mating; this way, desirable characteristics of animals are passed to the next generation. This practice has been very vital in creating and sustaining unique characteristics of the Mystic Onyx Chicken business.

Genetic Traits

These features are most interesting genetic; they provide them with a black skin color. The world’s rarest chicken breed is known as the Mystic Onyx Chicken they are genetically different and have fibromelanosis which cause over pigmentation making them all black.

Raising Mystic Onyx Chickens

Physical Characteristics

  •  Mystic Onyx chickens are large birds with getting on in age and a beautiful, sheeny black plumage. The are black haired, skinned, and even boned, a characteristic that they owe to the Ayam Cemani breed. This is not only concerning their external plumage but their beak, comb, and wattles are also black; this gives the chicken a sinister appearance. They will have a docile temperament hence ideal for small holder production and backyard farming.

2. Setting Up the Ideal Coop

Space Requirements

  •  Following some recommendations in keeping Mystic Onyx chickens healthy, it is recommended that each chicken should have at least 4 square feet space in the coop. Coop space should be provided if you want to house them in a run then recommend 10 square feet per chicken. Such a space enables them to roam around, do away with stress, and practice their normal activities such as foraging and dust bathing.

Coop Essentials

  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation of a coop also mean that chances of wet fungus developing that is capable of causing respiratory diseases and ailments are highly minimal. Make sure there are some windows or vents that can be operated to allow fresh air in and out of the car.
  • Predator Protection: Ensure the facilities and the runway are strong and fitted with barriers with a view of restricting access by raccoons, foxes, and hawks. I prefer to cover the frame with the hardware cloth rather than chicken wire since the latter is easily accessible by birds.
  • Nesting Boxes: There should be one nesting box for every three to four hens. S’cover with clean materials such as straw or pieces of wood to ensure that the eggs are protected and not easily broken.
  • Perches:Provide different roosting heights, and in building the house provide resting bars for the chickens to rest on. See to it that the paths are tough and even so as not to lead to foot issues.

3. Feeding and Nutrition

Diet Basics

  • Mystic Onyx chickens feed on layer feed that is of high quality and should have all the ingredients that support the formation of eggs. Provide them with grains, fresh vegetables, and small amount of insects like mealworms or scorpions or kitchen leftovers. Make sure they are always able to get to fresh and clean water.


  • Calcium: Supplement the diet with crushed oyster shells or calcium sources in order to improve the thickness of the eggs’ shells.
  • Grit: Domesticated chickens still require small stones termed as grit to assist in grinding feed in the gizzards. Give them commercial grit or coarse sand to help them digest it.

4. Health and Wellness

Common Health Issues

  • Mystic Onyx chickens are generally hardy, but they can be susceptible to common poultry diseases:
  • Marek’s Disease: A viral disease causing tumors and paralysis. Vaccinate chicks to prevent this.
  • Coccidiosis: A parasitic disease affecting the intestines. Keep the coop clean and dry to minimize risks.
  • Respiratory Infections: Ensure good ventilation and avoid overcrowding to reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses.

Preventive Care

  • Regular Health Checks: Look out for slightest signs that your chickens are sick; those that are sluggish, have little or no interest in feed, or the type that has different stools from usual.
  • Vaccinations: Stick to a vaccination program which should be advised to you by your vet.
  • Clean Environment: Sweep and wash the coop and run and ensure that they are free from any wetness. Similar to the above, bedding should be changed frequently while feeders and waterers should be cleaned to discourage disease transmission.
  • Dust Baths: Construct a dust bath box with sand, dirt, or diatomaceous earth to assist chickens in grooming themselves by pinning parasites such as mites and lice.

5. Breeding Mystic Onyx Chickens

Breeding Basics

  •  Choose the best mature Mystic Onyx chickens with great genes for breeding. Make sure they are relaxed, and take proper meals that contains all the nutrients the body needs. Make sure they have found a nicely padded box for the hens to lay eggs and hatch their young.

Hatching and Raising Chicks

  • Incubation: If using an incubator, maintain a temperature of 99°F / 37. 2°C; humidity 60-65%; and If using staple foods, enzymes and probiotics, maintain temperature at around 70°F to 78°F / 21°C to 26°C and humidity at 45-50%. around 5°F (37. 5°C) and the Relative humidity of the air ranging from 50-55% When cooking eggs, always make sure to turn the eggs severally in the cook top through out the day. Following the mentioned numbers of days, relative humidity should be raised to an average of 65-70% for hatching.
  • Brooder Setup:

6. Behavioral Traits and Socialization


  •  Mystic Onyx chickens have good temperament whereby these birds are calm and friendly. Compared to some of the other breeds, they are not very nervous, and would do well in families with children and beginners in chicken farming.

Social Needs

  • Chickens are individuals’ social animals and love being with other chickens. See to it that your flock members can get their social needs met from other flock members. Socialization on the other hand helps to tame them and become comfortable being around people.

7. Enjoying the Benefits

Egg Production

  • Mystic Onyx hens are also responsive with rates of about 200 medium sized brown eggs per year. They will usually start laying eggs at 5- 6 months of age and can continue to lay eggs well if same is provided to them.

Aesthetic and Novelty Value

  • Mystic Onyx chickens have an all-black color that gives your flock a distinct exotic look. They can be used as a conversation opener and boast or a conversation piece for anyone who owns poultry. thanks to gorgeous looks, they are utilized to be a part of backyard flocks and small farms, where appearance can be valued most.

Unique Traits of Mystic Onyx Chickens

mystic onyx chicken with unique traits

Five Toes Feature

The Mystic Onyx chickens, a result of crossbreeding Selkies with meat birds, exhibit a distinctive trait of having five toes on each foot, unlike the typical four toes found in most chicken breeds. This unique feature not only adds to their aesthetic appeal but also serves as a marker of their hybrid origin.

Feather Tufts

Infrequently, Mystic Onyx chickens sport enchanting feather tufts on their heads, adding to their colorful appearance. These tufts are an unconventional element that grabs attention and recognizes them from different varieties.

Black Skin and Meat

Mystic Onyx chickens are prestigious for their striking dark skin and meat, a characteristic they acquire from their Selkie parentage. This trademark makes them exceptionally pursued, for their visual allure as well as for their culinary worth. The dim tinge reaches out to their bones, pursuing them a champion of extraordinary culinary dishes.

Breeding and Genetics

mystic black chicken with unique patterns in a farm setting

Crossbreeding squirrels and Meat Birds

The Mystic Onyx chicken is a consequence of crossbreeding Selkies with bigger meat birds, intending to consolidate the remarkable highlights of Selkies with the size and meat nature of regular meat birds. This essential rearing has prompted a chicken with both stylish allure and useful utility.

Selection for Dark Features

Selective breeding has been crucial in enhancing the dark features of Mystic Onyx chickens. Breeders focus on traits such as black plumage, skin, and meat, ensuring that these characteristics are prominent and consistent in the offspring.

Comparison with Other Black Breeds

Mystic Onyx chickens are often compared to other black breeds, like the Ayah Camano. However, they are distinguished by their unique combination of Selkie and meat bird traits, making them a distinct category in the poultry world. Their breeding process is designed to ensure that they breed true, maintaining their distinctive characteristics over generations.

Physical Appearance

mystical black chicken with shiny feathers

Plumage Colors

Mystic Onyx Chickens are renowned for their striking, jet-black feathers that often exhibit an iridescent sheen, making them a captivating sight. While predominantly black, some individuals may display red or lighter plumage colors, adding a unique flair to their appearance. This variation in color can be particularly pronounced when the chickens are in sunlight, highlighting their glossy, onyx-like feathers.

Comb and Wattles

The comb and wattles of Mystic Onyx Chickens are also predominantly black, contributing to their uniform, dark appearance. This feature sets them apart from other breeds and enhances their regal, mysterious aura. The black coloration extends to their legs, feet, and beak, reinforcing the breed’s distinctive, monochromatic theme.

Leg and Toe Structure

Mystic Onyx Chickens have a robust leg and toe structure, which is vital for their active lifestyle. Their legs are strong and well-formed, supporting their movements and activities. Notably, the breed can sometimes exhibit a five-toe feature, which is relatively rare among chicken breeds and adds to their mystique and appeal among poultry enthusiasts.

Behavioral Characteristics

mystical black chicken exhibiting unique behaviors

Social Behavior

Mystic Onyx chickens are known for their charming and charismatic nature, making them highly sociable birds. They thrive in the company of both humans and other animals, often displaying a mischievous streak that keeps their owners entertained. These chickens are not particularly chatty, tending to mumble rather than shriek, which can be a relief for owners who prefer quieter flocks.

Activity Levels

These birds are energetic and active, requiring ample space to roam freely. Their need for movement and exploration is crucial for their health and happiness. Owners should ensure that Mystic Onyx chickens have enough room to express their natural behaviors, which includes running, foraging, and socializing with the flock.

Suitability for Backyard Flocks

Mystic Onyx chickens are an excellent choice for backyard flocks due to their friendly and engaging nature. They are beginner-friendly and adapt well to various environments, making them suitable for both novice and experienced poultry keepers. Their ability to integrate into a mixed flock and their non-aggressive demeanor make them a popular choice among hobbyists.

Egg Production

mystical black chicken laying eggs

Egg Color and Size

Mystic Onyx chickens are known for their consistent production of light brown eggs. These eggs are medium-sized, making them a perfect fit for both culinary uses and sale. The uniformity in size and color enhances their market appeal, ensuring they are a favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

Laying Frequency

Mystic Onyx chickens lay up to 220 eggs annually. This high yield makes them an excellent choice for both small-scale backyard flocks and larger commercial operations. Their non-broody nature means continuous production without interruptions for hatching.

Breeding for Egg Quality

Selective breeding has focused on enhancing the egg-laying capabilities of the Mystic Onyx chicken. Efforts are made to maintain the egg size and shell strength, which are crucial for the eggs’ marketability and safety during transportation. This strategic breeding ensures a steady improvement in egg production traits over generations.

Care and Maintenance

mystical black chicken in a serene farm setting

Dietary Needs

Mystic Onyx Chickens require a balanced diet rich in proteins and essential nutrients to maintain their unique black plumage and overall health. Feeding them a mix of fodder seeds and cracked corn is recommended, along with a regular supply of fresh water and greens.

Health Monitoring

Normal wellbeing checks are fundamental to guaranteeing your Spiritualist Onyx Chickens are flourishing. Focus on indications of misery or disease, and counsel a veterinarian on the off chance that uncommon side effects show up. Protection estimates like immunizations and parasite control can assist with keeping a sound mind.

Lifespan Extension

Mystic Onyx is one of the unique breeds of chicken that can be healthy and live for four to five years and some even up to six years. Ayam star is a new breed of chicken that has all-black characteristics of their feathers, skin, bones, and meat as Ayam Cemani.

Factors Influencing Lifespan

  1. Genetics:
    •  Mystic Onyx chickens like any other breed have genes that determine their possible lifespan. In general, purebred chicken, acquired from trusted farms, are healthier and longer living than other chicken.
  2. Environment:
    •  Chickens that are healthy, well taken care of and not stressed, and from true batches of excellent stock and given adequate space will last long. Their welfare is highly dependent on the design and size of the coops.
  3. Nutrition:
    •  Balanced diet consisting of all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is beneficial for their General health and Well-being. Intake of highly digestive feed and it should also be accompanied by extra portions of fresh fruits and vegetable.
  4. Healthcare:
    •  Some of the diseases affecting poultry can be easily prevented by periodic check-ups and giving the birds their immunization shots. He noted that prompt action on any health complications is useful in enhancing the length of their life.
  5. Activity:
    • Chickens that are able to go out in the range and exhibit their natural instincts like scratching and dust bathing are healthier and live longer.


On average, Mystic Onyx chickens can live anywhere from 5 to 10 years, depending on the factors mentioned above. With optimal care, some chickens may even exceed this range.

Tips for Extending Lifespan

  1. Provide Adequate Space:
    • Ensure the coop is spacious enough to prevent overcrowding. Use a chicken coop size calculator to determine the ideal size based on the number of chickens.
  2. Maintain Cleanliness:
    •  Time to time cleaning and changing the beddings should be done as they harbour bad bacteria and parasites.
  3. Balanced Diet:
    •  Feed them with different foods so that they can get all the essential nutrients that they require. Feed your pet commercially produced food and fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as grains, a few times a week you may offer whole meal worms.
  4. Regular Health Checks:
    • Consider many diseases and some injuries that may affect the chickens and try to observe these effects in your chicken. This means that provision of early health check-ups and diagnosis of diseases at early stages avert serious complications.
  5. Protection from Predators:
    • Secure the coop and run to keep predators at bay. Ensure fencing is sturdy and bury it deep enough to prevent digging.

Google Nip Supportive

In this advanced age, it’s fundamental to guarantee that our padded companions are getting the most ideal consideration. A fast hunt on Google will uncover plenty of data on the significance of chicken coarseness in poultry cultivation. From believed sources to individual poultry fans sharing their encounters, the help for utilizing chicken coarseness is irrefutable.

Mystic Onyx in Backyard Poultry

black mystical chicken with shiny feathers in a rustic backyard setting

Popularity Among Hobbyists

The Mystic Onyx chicken has quickly become a favorite among backyard poultry enthusiasts. Known for their striking appearance and dual-purpose capabilities, these chickens are not only beautiful but also productive. They are particularly popular in regions where unique and exotic breeds are prized.

Benefits in Home Settings

Mystic Onyx chickens are well-suited for home settings due to their calm demeanor and adaptability. They thrive in environments where they can roam freely, making them ideal for spacious backyard setups. Their unique characteristics, such as the five toes and occasional feather tufts, add an exotic flair to any flock.

Community Experiences

Many owners share positive feedback about integrating Mystic Onyx chickens into their flocks. These birds are often highlighted in community discussions for their robust health and the aesthetic appeal they bring to the backyard. Their ability to adapt to various climates and settings makes them a versatile choice for poultry enthusiasts across different regions.

Comparative Analysis

mystical black chicken with glowing eyes in a dark, eerie environment

Mystic Onyx vs. Ayam Cemani

The Mystic Onyx chicken, often compared to the Ayam Cemani, shares the distinctive feature of black skin and meat. However, the Mystic Onyx is noted for its more vibrant feather sheen and a slightly larger body size, making it a unique breed in its own right.

Similarities with Other Breeds

Mystic Onyx chickens exhibit several similarities with other dark-feathered breeds, such as the Silkie and the Svarthona. All these breeds share the fibromelanosis trait, which causes their unique coloration. This genetic similarity often leads to comparisons in terms of aesthetic and genetic makeup.

Distinctive Features

Among its distinctive features, the Mystic Onyx chicken boasts a robust health profile and adaptability to various climates, which sets it apart from other similar breeds. Its popularity in backyard poultry is largely due to these resilient traits.

Future Prospects

mystical black chicken futuristic background

Potential for Recognition

The Mystic Onyx Chicken, with its unique features and growing popularity, stands a good chance of gaining official recognition from poultry associations. This would not only elevate its status but also potentially increase its market value. Recognition could lead to greater interest and investment in breeding programs.

Breeding Goals

Breeding goals for the Mystic Onyx Chicken focus on enhancing its distinctive traits, such as the black plumage and robust health. Breeders aim to stabilize these traits while improving overall vitality and adaptability to various environments.

Market Trends

The market for unique and exotic poultry breeds is on the rise, with the Mystic Onyx Chicken positioned to capture interest from both domestic and international buyers. Trends suggest a growing demand for specialty poultry, which bodes well for the breed’s economic future.

Photographic Showcase

mystical black chicken in an artistic, dramatic setting

Featured Images from Enthusiasts

The Mystic Onyx Chicken has captured the imagination of poultry enthusiasts worldwide. Boldly featured in numerous online galleries, these images showcase the bird’s striking appearance and the passionate community surrounding it.

Visual Traits Highlight

Highlighting the distinctive visual traits of the Mystic Onyx Chicken, enthusiasts often focus on its shimmering plumage and elegant posture. This section serves as a visual guide to understanding what sets this breed apart from others.

Engagement Through Social Media

Social media platforms have been instrumental in spreading awareness and fostering a community of Mystic Onyx Chicken admirers. Posts and shares significantly contribute to the breed’s growing popularity, making it a favorite among backyard poultry enthusiasts.

Mythology and Symbolism Surrounding the Mystic Onyx Chicken

Among its types, the Mystic Onyx Chicken is enclosed with the setting of legends and myths as its part belongs to different mythologies and cultural meanings. Having black feathers and a mysterious air around it this bird has been fascinating people for centuries.

Origins in Ancient Mythology

The Onyx Chicken, depending on the stratum of antique mythology one is exploring, can be characterized as an emblem of the darkness. Mythological stories of Eastern cultures are that of a star and a bird which had feathers as black as night and was only to provide protection and willow evil spirits. Previously, people thought that there was an ability to move from one world to another within the body of the Onyx Chicken, so the bird protected the souls of the people who died.

Symbolism in Different Cultures

Different cultures ascribe different meanings these to the Onyx Chicken which is an unusual and magical bird. In some traditions practiced in Africa, the bird often referred to as Onyx Chicken is believed to bring fortune. There is a presumption that some monsters’ appearance brings wealth and richness to the area where they appear.

In the western part of the world, the Onyx Chicken is mostly illuminated in narratives that involve transformation. Its black plumage can be interpreted as the abstract of the phoenix symbolizing the life cycle of beginning and rebirth. Similar to this symbolism, in the medieval Europe myths, the Onyx Chicken is depicted as a wise bird capable of providing people with valuable insights, if only to esquire them.

Modern Interpretations

Thus, the mystic of Onyx Chicken is popular and interesting even in the contemporary period. It’s been incorporated in different piece of art, literature, and even in today’s culture. Clients who are in the arts love to depict the Onyx Chicken as the symbol of the unknown and mystery and therefore they depict the bird in their artworks when depicting the themes of the darkness and the light.

To the spiritual lifters, the Onyx Chicken symbolizes endurance. The body is a blend of cobalt-black colour and hence an embodiment of the fact that one should never shy away from their dark side for they are capable of transforming into beautiful butterflies. Taking from the parody of The Onyx Chicken, the show calls people to investigate their inner self and to find the real self that no man has seen.

My Amazing Personal Experience

Last year, I set out on a poultry-keeping experience not at all like some others when I acquainted Spiritualist Onyx Chickens with my herd. Their entrancing appearance, with feathers as dim as the night sky, right away caught my creative mind. Much to my dismay, these perplexing birds would before long turn into the stars of my coop.

As I watched my Spiritualist Onyx Chickens subside into their new home, I really wanted to wonder about their excellence. Their smooth plumage appeared to gleam with a powerful sparkle, enchanting any individual who looked at them. In any case, their charm went beyond a simple feel; these birds had a presence and a persona that put them aside from the remainder of my herd.

Charmed by their enamoring nature, I chose to scrutinize their standing. I had heard murmurs of their outstanding egg-laying capacities, however, I needed to see the outcomes for myself. In this way, furnished with tolerance and a sharp eye, I enthusiastically anticipated the principal grip of eggs from my Spiritualist Onyx Chickens.

To supplement their eating routine and guarantee ideal wellbeing, I had likewise carried out the chicken coarseness strategy, furnishing them with a consistent stockpile of coarse particles to support processing. Much to my dismay, exactly the way that huge this choice would be.

As the days transformed into weeks and the weeks into months, I watched in wonderment as my spiritualist Onyx chickens thrived. Besides the fact that they laid eggs with amazing consistency, the nature of their eggs outperformed my most stunning assumptions. Each egg was a demonstration of their essentialness and force, flaunting rich yolks and hearty shells.

Be that as it may, the genuine demonstration of the progress of my herd came from their general prosperity. Because of the chicken coarseness technique, their stomach related wellbeing was immaculate, permitting them to flourish and thrive as time passed. Their quills sparkled with a brilliant sheen, and their disposition radiated certainty and essentialness—tthey were the exemplification of poultry flawlessness.

Thinking back on that choice to present Spiritualist Onyx Chickens and execute the chicken coarseness strategy, I can without hesitation say that it was perhaps my most ideal decision. Besides the fact that it yielded striking outcomes with regards to egg creation and in general wellbeing, it likewise brought a feeling of miracle and sorcery to my poultry-keeping venture.


In conclusion, the Mystic Onyx chicken, a captivating blend of Silkies and meat birds, offers both aesthetic appeal and practical utility. Despite being a relatively new entrant in the world of poultry, it has garnered attention for its striking dark features and dual-purpose capabilities. Ideal for both meat and egg production, these chickens are not only a beautiful addition to any flock but also embody a unique genetic mix that sets them apart in the poultry community. As they continue to grow in popularity, the Mystic Onyx chickens promise to be a fascinating subject for both novice and experienced poultry enthusiasts alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Mystic Onyx chicken?

Mystic Onyx is a newly developed dual-purpose breed, created by crossbreeding Silkies with larger meat birds. It features dark skin, feet, and meat, and is known for its attractive dark plumage with occasional red-orange flares.

When was Mystic Onyx registered as a breed?

Mystic Onyx was registered by Hoover’s Hatchery in 2021.

What color eggs do Mystic Onyx hens lay?

Mystic Onyx hens lay light-brown, medium-sized eggs.

What are the unique physical traits of Mystic Onyx chickens?

Mystic Onyx chickens are known for having five toes, occasional feather tufts on their heads, and black skin. Their plumage is mostly black with a greenish gleam and may have orange to red flares.

How does the Mystic Onyx chicken compare to Ayam Cemani?

While both breeds have dark features, Mystic Onyx chickens can have red or orange flares in their plumage, unlike the pure black Ayam Cemani. They also originated from different breeding processes.

Is the Mystic Onyx chicken suitable for backyard flocks?

Yes, Mystic Onyx chickens make a great addition to backyard flocks due to their striking appearance and dual-purpose nature. They are active and social birds that adapt well to home settings.

What should I check for to confirm if my chicken is a Mystic Onyx?

Ensure your chicken has five toes and black skin, which are distinctive features of the Mystic Onyx. If these are not present, it might be another black crossbreed.

Are Mystic Onyx chickens recognized by major poultry associations?

No, Mystic Onyx chickens are not recognized by major poultry associations as they are a relatively new hatchery mix and not a pure breed.


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